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The entire contents of Karakata.biz are copyrighted as a collective work belonging to Le KARAKATA Sa. and it owns a copyright in the selection, coordination and arrangement of such content, as well as in the original content. No form of usage, modification or reference is allowed without the permission of Le KARAKATA Sa. Le KARAKATA Sa acknowledges and respects the copyright in pictures or text uploaded by suppliers. By submitting any material, you guarantee the owner of such material has expressly granted Le KARAKATA Sa the royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive right to use, reproduce, modify, publish, translate and distribute the material worldwide. Without the permission, no entity or person can make use of those materials.


Logo-final-Karakata- Market place optimiseris the trademark owned and used by Le KARAKATA Sa and its platform www.karakata.biz. All the other trademarks displayed on Karakata.biz (the “Platform”) are the property of their own individual right-holders.